Beating the Winter Blues
Every year we know it’s coming, the days start to get shorter, the nights are cooler, and the mornings get harder to get up. You start to...
Choosing a Great Coach
If you live in New Zealand and follow rugby, you’ll probably remember (or maybe you’ve erased from your memory), a day back in early...
Avoid another Annus Horribillis
As the Queen famously said in 1992, it was her “annus horribillis” (horrible year). I’m sure she would say that 2021 was another...
How Do You Take Your Breath?
I love Sunday’s. It’s the one day of the week that I’m not racing off to see a client so I can relax in bed with a cuppa and contemplate...
What's the "Right Body Type"?
If I had a dollar for every time I heard one of my clients say “my friend did Keto and lost heaps of weight, but it’s not working for me...
Surviving Christmas
Whilst this blog is about surviving Christmas. I want to begin with some thoughts around being kind at this time of year. Being kind...